The Church At Westerly
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Finding Real Life








Jesus died a terrible death on a Roman cross 2000

years ago so you could make the best choice

for now and forever.


What does it mean?

    It's all about your personal relationship with God through

Jesus Christ. God loves you and he wants you to

experience his forgiveness forever. God wants you to be

able to live right now without fear or guilt. He wants you in

heaven with him when you die. God makes this offer to you

through the life, crucifixion, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus.

This is all a gift of God to you, but you have to receive the gift.


So, why did Jesus die on the cross?

    Jesus is God. The story of Jesus in the Bible makes this clear.

When Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary by the power of the

Holy Spirit, it was really God himself coming to Earth. Jesus lived

and died as part of God's plan to forgive us for the bad things

we all have done. Since God is holy, there is punishment

for our unholy actions. Spiritual death (which is separation

from God forever) is the real punishment we face. But there is

good news! Jesus never sinned and when he died, he took your

punishment for you. You do not have to die spiritually. Jesus

offers you the gift of spiritual life forever.


Will you let God change the path of your life . . . forever?

    Jesus' gift of spiritual life is eternal. The gift is free, and it is a gift

of grace you cannot earn or deserve. Jesus' gift is for any and

every person who will receive it by faith and belief.

    If you want this gift, stop now and tell God something like this:

"Dear God, I ask you to forgive me for my sins. I turn away from

those bad things in my life. I believe in faith that Jesus is your

Son. I believe that he died, and you raised him to life again.

I believe that he took my punishment for me and gives me

the gift of spiritual life forever. I accept this gift. I receive Jesus

as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, God, for forgiving me forever."


Now What?

    If you received this gift of forgiveness and eternal life, please

contact us so that we can talk to you about the next steps of

baptism and growing as a follower of Christ. Religious labels

are not significant, but it is important for you to

find a Christ-centered local church. God bless you!

P.S. Why don't you print this page, date it and sign it, so you will

have a record of your choice. Keep it in your Bible.


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