The Church At Westerly
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Revelation Wellness

Revelation Wellness at TCAW


The Church At Westerly offers fitness classes that strengthen your faith and body. Revelation Wellness® Faith & Fitness meets in Room 11 at the Tower Street

Community Center. Visit our Facebook page for class times. Bring a water bottle and wear sneakers and comfortable clothing! If you have them, please bring your

own 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, or 10 pound hand weights, as well. Check in at the front office for a visitor's pass before arriving. A certified Revelation Wellness® fitness instructor

will lead you through drumstick cardio routines and light resistance training using hand weights and/or body weight. All exercises are modifiable to your fitness level.

No fear!

Everyone is welcome to attend. Classes are free and for ALL people aged 12 and up. A love offering of $5 is suggested for cost of equipment and supplies, but is not

necessary. At this time we do not have childcare, but if your child is old enough to work out with you, you are welcome to bring them. 

(Photos Courtesy of Shorline Photography)

What is Revelation Wellness®? (

- Christ centered fitness offers our students the opportunity to become healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

- We are free from the judgment, social/media pressures, and the negative stereotyping common in secular gyms.

- There is no pressure to perform, only acceptance, and a safe environment in which to explore our journey toward Jesus as the center of our wellness.